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LiveDrop official launch by Prins Constantijn

Las Vegas

By scanninga special moving digital code at the Dutch pavilion at the Consumer ElectronicShow in Las Vegas, HRH  PrinceConstantijn van Oranje, Special Envoy for Techleap, was the first to be able toreceive a file completely offline on his phone.

Thetechnology for this offline way for data transfer is a development of the Dutch-basedcompany LiveDrop. During the past 3 years the company has been working on thedevelopment of an innovative and patented technology that makes it possible tokeep communicating when there is no internet available or when the user doesnot want to use an online connection. This way of transferring data in onedirection is very secure because it is impossible to inject the sender's devicewith malware during the data transfer.

LiveDrop'stechnology allows random files, such as photos, PDFs and Office documents, tobe displayed in the form of an advanced data matrix similar to the well-knownQR code. This data matrix can then be scanned by the recipient, regardless ofan iOS or Android phone, and the technology ensures that the original file isthen available to the recipient. This allows error-free file sharing, without aso-called handshake between sender and receiver. The technology also works onWindows and Linux and is also currently being tested in the healthcare sectorthrough a pilot with the Dutch Jeroen Bosch Hospital and healthcareorganization Vivent.

At CES this week, LiveDrop is launching theLiveDrop Offline Sharing app for iOS and Android. The first version can sendfiles up to 150KB and receiving a file takes only seconds. LiveDrop is one of70 Dutch start-ups that are part of the Dutch RFO delegation and is at CESlooking for future business partners and end customers particularly in theareas of healthcare, defense and cyber security.