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Nomination mProve Hospitals Funxlab Innovation Call


We are pleased to announce that LiveDrop has been selected amongst the 'Top 10' Innovations in the mProve Hospitals Funxlab Innovation Call!

The Funxlab Innovation Call is a rigorous process. 50 companies applied at the start of the Innovation Call, from which 10 are shortlisted after expert discussions and an evaluation of the solution's relevance, innovativeness and potential added value.

In the next stage, the 'Top 3' innovations will be chosen, from which key decision makers at mProve hospitals will take one company forward. This company will set up pilots at seven mProve hospitals (Albert Schweitzer, Isala, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Máxima Medisch Centrum, Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep, Rijnstate, Zuyderland).

We are excited by this opportunity to show greater evidence of LiveDrop's positive impact on the healthcare sector!

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